Through a series of events with practitioners, older adults and policy makers, this programme focused on bringing together Scotland, England and Wales to exchange knowledge on Housing and Ageing. The goal was to create a set of co-designed recommendations for the UK, Scottish and Welsh governments, which would identify specific priorities and recommendations for the housing and ageing agenda – as a driver to get housing ready for the increasing future generations of older people. We must act now if we are going to meet the housing needs of future generations by 2030.
A key question addressed by the programme was: what progress is being made on the implementation of policy strategies for older people and by whom?
The programme shared possible practice between Scotland, England and Wales, and recommendations that were developed by advisory groups within each jurisdiction. Event participants shared their knowledge, analysed policy challenges and priorities, sought to understand how policy is experienced by older people, and discussed what we can do to prepare for 2030. They also played a Serious Game, where they explored the potential long-term impacts of different policies, to help examine the issues we face and decide what to do about them.