Workshop 1: The WHY – May 31st at the Scottish Parliament
The first workshop took place on Friday, May 31st, at the Scottish Parliament. This workshop focused on the question of why a democratic body representing the signing community would be beneficial. We heard from a range of speakers and discussed the nature of the difficulties of the signing community to have their views considered by policy-makers, and the consequences that we currently observe. You find the workshop schedule and links to the presentations below.
9.30 Registration & refreshments
10.00 Introductory remarks – Graham Turner/Stefanie Reher
10.30 On being a Deaf political animal: Lived experiences – Ben Fletcher
11.00 Deaf citizenship: From the library to the streets – John Conama
11.30 Discussion: What’s missing in 2019?
12.15 Lunch
1.30 Reflections and projections from today’s Chair, Alison Phipps
1.45 Credible representation of Deaf people by Deaf people: Impact and implications – Jeff McWhinney
2.15 Self-determination and the determination of Deaf selves – Graham Turner
2.45 Coffee
3.15 Discussion: The electorate and the electable
4.15 Take-home messages – Chair and organisers
4.30 Close