"We assume that the present is a much more serviceable guide to the future than a candid examination of past experience would show it to have been.....we largely ignore the prospect of future changes about the actual character of which we know nothing." John Maynard Keynes

The 2017 themed call for proposals was focused on Scotland 2030, intended to complement and support Scotland’s Futures Forum’s current major programme of work.

Scotland's Futures Forum is the Scottish Parliament's futures think-tank.  It works on a non-party basis to promote research and to stimulate debate on the long-term challenges and opportunities that Scotland faces, with the aim of informing MSPs and others and enabling them to consider the effects of decisions taken today on Scotland's long-term future. Their 2030 programme is an exploration of Scotland’s culture and society and aspirations for 2030 and beyond. It is taking a number of different perspectives and considering the societal and cultural impacts of existing and predicted trends and examining how Scotland can meet the challenges and exploit the opportunities that emerge.


The successful programmes for this round were: