Learning from Other Places


This call was focussed on knowledge exchange between places (as well as between disciplines and between academics and non-academics) to improve policy and practice. The aim was to support SUII member universities to work with universities elsewhere and alongside policy makers and practitioners to share their knowledge and experience, in order to generate fresh insights.This could involve looking at the lessons to be learned from varying policy and practice approaches in different parts of the UK or EU or from the experience of places further afield[1].

An informal steering group of policy makers and practitioners was drawn together to help inform and guide the programme. A final conference was held in early 2018 to draw together the threads of the individual projects supported.


[1] For example building on work by the Carnegie UK Trust and Joseph Rowntree Foundation to explore learning between the countries and regions of the UK http://www.carnegieuktrust.org.uk/publications/evidence-exchange-learning-from-social-policy-from-across-the-uk/; the OECD’s Post 2015 work http://www.oecd.org/knowledge-sharing-alliance/OECD-Post-2015_Policy-Dialogue-Knowledge-Sharing-and-Engaging-in-mutual-learning.pdf, and the Scottish approach to policy highlighted by the Alliance for Useful Evidence http://www.alliance4usefulevidence.org/what-is-the-scottish-approach.