Pass the Mic is a project founded by Talat Yaqoob in 2019 to improve the representation of women of colour in Scotland’s news media. It offers a database of women of colour experts for use by media organisations, and an annual Writers’ programme, developing the expertise of women of colour commentators and working with media organisations to diversify their content and contributors. In 2020-21, with funding from the Joseph Rowntree Trust, Yaqoob worked with Karen Boyle (University of Strathclyde) on research to map the position of women of colour across print, online and broadcast news in Scotland.
The SUII-funded programme focused on disseminating and building on the findings from this research and from Pass the Mic’s first 4 years, in order to extend the range of participants and activities, and provide opportunities for women of colour commentators to shape the agenda for future research and project development.